Reference Data : Unit-Dimension


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59 results found
Label EN Label FR Label DU Label GE Code Description Status
Arbitrary Concentration Unités arbitraires/volume Arbitraire eenheden/volume Willkürliche Konzentration ACnc e.g. quantitative: various units/volume (U/L, mU/dL), qualitative: +,++,+++ Enabled
Appearance Aspect Uitzicht Aussicht Aper descriptive, never quantitative Enabled
Arbitrary Arbitrary Arbitrary Arbitrary ARB Arbitrary Enabled
Volume Rate/Area Volume/temps/surface Volume/tijd/oppervlakte Volumen/Zeit/ Areal ArVRat e.g. mL/min/1.73m*2 Enabled
Catalytic Concentration Activité enzymatique/volume Enzyme activiteit/volume enzymatische Aktivität / Volumen CCnc e.g. U/dL, mU/mL, U/mL RBC Enabled
Catalytic Content concentration catalytique/masse Catalytic Content Catalytic Content CCnt e.g. : units/g Enabled
Catalytic Fraction Fraction d' activité enzymatique Enzyme activiteit fractie CFr e.g. % Enabled
Catalytic Rate Activité enzymatique/temps Enzyme activiteit/tijd CRat e.g. IU/hr, U/24hr Enabled
Cycle threshold Cycle seuil Cyclusdrempel Ct-Wert CT cycle threshold Enabled
Entitic Mass Masse Massa Masse EntMass e.g. g, mg, pg Enabled
Entitic substance Quantité/quantité specimen EntSub e.g. pmol/8x10^8 RBC Enabled
Entitic Volume Volume (du specimen) Volume Volumen EntVol e.g. L, mL, fL Enabled
Impression/interpretation of study Aspect / interpretation Patroon / interpretatie Imp descriptive, never quantitative Enabled
Length Longueur Lengte Länge Len e.g. mm Enabled
Log number concentration Concentration logarithmique Log nummer concentratie Logzahlkonzentration LnCnc e.g. log copies/mL Enabled
Log substance concentration Concentration logarithmique Log concentratie LsCnc all pH measurements Enabled
Mass Masse Massa Masse Mass e.g. Drug dose Enabled
Mass Concentration Masse/volume Massa/volume Masse/volumen MCnc e.g. g/L, mg/dL, ug/mL Enabled
mass content mass content mass content mass content MCnt eg mg/kg Enabled
Mass Concentration Ratio Rapport de masse Verhouding van massa MCrto e.g. %, mg/g creatinin, ug/g hemoglobin Enabled
Mass Fraction Fraction de masse Massa fractie Masse fraction MFr e.g. %, % saturation, % of total XX Enabled
Morphology Morphologie Morfologie Morphologie Morph descriptive, never quantitative Enabled
Mass Rate Masse/temps Massa/tijd Masse/zeit MRat e.g. g/24hr, ug/12hr Enabled
Number Aeric (number per area) Nombre par champ microscopique Aantal per microscopisch veld Naric e.g. /HPF, /LPF Enabled
Number Concentration (count/vol) Nombre/volume Aantal/volume Anzahl/volumen NCnc e.g. /L, x10*9/L, 10E12/L Enabled
59 results found